About the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus)

Thursday, 16 February 2017 05:08

ADMM-Plus Chair

As stipulated in the Concept Paper on the ADMM-Plus: Modalities and Procedures adopted by the Fourth ADMM, Ha Noi, 11 May 2010, the Chairmanship of the ADMM-Plus shall follow the Chairmanship of the ADMM.

The current Chairmen of the ADMM-Plus and the ADSOM-Plus are as follows:

Chairman of ADMM: 
H.E. Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich
Minister of National Defence 
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 
Chairman of ADSOM: 
Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh 
Deputy Minister of National Defence 
Ministry of National Defence
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam  
ADMM contact point: 
Lt. Gen. Vu Chien Thang (ADSOM Working Group Leader) 
Director-General of Foreign Relations Department
Ministry of National Defence 
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 
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